Alarm Troubleshooting
312776F 89
Cause Solution
The Mix and Purge digital inputs are on at the same time. Ensure that only one input is on at a time. At least 1 sec
delay is required when switching from Mix to Purge or
vice versa.
NOTE: The I/O alarm incorporates several sub-alarms relating to internal data issues, as detailed below. These
alarms are only seen in the Alarm log or through BWI or AWI, and may not apply to all software versions.
Fluid Plate Reboot (FP Reboot): Occurs if the system
detects a fluid plate control board reboot or power cycle
not triggered from the EasyKey. The system reverts to
Recipe 61, and mixed material may be in the lines.
Flush the system or perform a color change. If possible,
identify the origin of the reboot or power cycle.
Autokey Lost: Occurs if the Autokey is lost or changed
after having been detected. (A short term loss of the
Autokey will not be registered.) Some system functions
may become unavailable. For example, an automatic
system will not respond to PLC or robot control.
Reinstall the Autokey, or verify that the Autokey is set
Illegal Source: Occurs if a recipe outside of the range
1-60 is detected as the source data for global recipe data
copies. This is possible if an invalid configuration file is
sent to the EasyKey.
Verify that the source data is from a valid recipe (1-60).
2K/3K Error: Occurs if the recipe data is incompatible
with the current Autokey setting (2K or 3K). This is possi-
ble if the Autokey is changed or an invalid configuration
file is sent to the EasyKey.
Verify that the Autokey is set properly or that the configu-
ration file is valid.
Init Error: Occurs if the recipe data codes specifying the
type of machine they were made on are not what is
expected. For example, a 3KS machine receives a con-
figuration file originally made on a 2KS machine.
Verify that the configuration file is valid.
Config Error: Occurs if a configuration file sent to the
EasyKey specifies a different hardware setup than what
exists. For example, the configuration file specifies 2
color change boards but only 1 is present.
Verify that the configuration file specifications and the
hardware conform.
Range Error: Occurs if a valve used in a recipe is not
present in the current hardware setup. For example, a
recipe calls for valve 30 but the system has only 12
Verify that the recipe specifications and the hardware
Level Control (LC) Error: Occurs if level control data is
received by the EasyKey, and the current Autokey set-
ting (2K or 3K) has changed since the level control data
was originally initialized.
Verify that the Autokey is set properly.
Level Control (LC) Range Error: Occurs if level control
data includes a valve range exceeding the capability of
the machine.
Set level control data correctly.
Modbus (MB) Overflow: Occurs if the Modbus connec-
tion to a PLC experiences data overflow.
Verify the Modbus protocol to the EasyKey.
Table 11. Alarm Troubleshooting