Memo/Doc List View Screen Features
Pop-Up Menus In addition to WordSmith’s many pull-down menus, WordSmith also has some very
handy pop-up menus for stylus users. For example, if you are viewing a list of your docs, you can access a
pop-up menu that lists the following: Edit, Beam, Delete, Duplicate, Rename, Category, Print and Details (a
slightly different pop-up menu will appear for memos). You can access the pop-up menu by tapping and
holding anywhere on the listed doc or memo.
Memo/Doc The Memo/Doc Title Tab lets you chose whether you want to be in a memo or doc. To
use memos, tap on the word Memo in the Title Tab. Alternatively, tap on Doc in the Title Tab to choose
docs. Whichever word is highlighted indicates which mode you are in.
Categories Like many Palm OS programs, WordSmith helps you stay organized by letting you assign
your memos and documents to categories. WordSmith has the following default categories for memos and
docs: All, Business, Personal and Unfiled. In addition, WordSmith lets you add to and edit these categories
for both. WordSmith allows you to have up to 16 categories (including Unfiled) for each! If your device
has VFS support, please see Chapter 8 for instructions on moving a document to your expansion card.
Edit Categories By tapping on Edit Categories, you will bring up the Edit Categories dialog
box shown below. This dialog box allows you to add new categories and rename or delete existing
categories. Please note that you can have different categories for memos and docs and that
categories changed in one mode are not automatically changed in the other.
New To create a new category, tap on the New button and enter a new category name
when prompted and then tap OK.
Rename To rename an existing category, simply select the category name you wish to
rename, tap on the Rename button, enter the new category name and then tap Ok.