Handmark 2.2 Personal Computer User Manual

Ctrl-s = save/save as
Ctrl-z = undo
Ctrl-y = redo
Ctrl-f = find
Ctrl-b = bold
Ctrl-u = underline
Ctrl-i = italics
Ctrl-l = left align
Ctrl-e = center
Ctrl-r = right align
Ctrl-j = full justify (preserved, but only displayed on the desktop)
Ctrl-g = go to
Ctrl-[ = shrink font
Ctrl-] = grow font
Ctrl-m = left indent+
Ctrl-M = left indent -
Ctrl-t = hanging indent +
Ctrl-T = hanging indent -
Ctrl-d = Font dialog
Ctrl-S = Paragraph style dialog
Ctrl- -- = Strikethrough
Ctrl-= = Subscript
Ctrl-+ = Superscript
Left/right = Move one character left/right
Ctrl-left/right = Move a word left/right
Cmd-left/right = Go to beginning/end of line
Up/down = Move one line up/down
Ctrl-up/down = Go to up/down a paragraph
Fn-up/down = Go up/down a page
Cmd-up/down = Go to top/bottom of document
Ctrl-backspace = Delete previous word
Ctrl-delete = Delete next word
In addition, you can use the Enter key to close most dialog boxes.
Text Selection Keyboard Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts allow you to rapidly select text:
Left/right+Shift = Select one character left/right
Ctrl-left/right+Shift = Select a word left/right
Cmd-left/right+Shift = Select to beginning/end of line
Up/down+Shift = Select one line up/down
Ctrl-up/down+Shift = Select up/down a paragraph
Fn-up/down+Shift = Select up/down a page
Cmd-up/down+Shift = Select top/bottom of document
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