6-32 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Calling in Europe
You can call the support center in the following countries:
✦ Europe (English): 44 171 512 5202
✦ United Kingdom: 0171 512 5202
✦ Austria: 0660 6386
✦ Belgium (Dutch): 02 626 8806
✦ Belgium (French): 02 626 8807
✦ Denmark: 3929 4099
✦ Finland: 0203 47288
✦ France: 04 50 43 9853
✦ Germany: 0180 5 25 81 43
✦ Ireland: 01 662 5525
✦ Italy: 02 26410350
✦ Netherlands: 020 606 8751
✦ Norway: 22 11 6299
✦ Portugal: 01 441 7199
✦ Spain: 902 321 123
✦ Sweden: 08 619 2170
✦ Switzerland (French): 0848 80 11 11
✦ Switzerland (German: 0848 80 11 12
Calling in Australia and New Zealand
Call (03) 272-8000 in Australia or (09) 356 6640 in New Zealand. This service is
free for 12 months from the date of original purchase; however, your standard
long-distance phone charges still apply. For technical assistance after the free
period, a $25 flat fee per single incident will be charged.