HP (Hewlett-Packard) 24SII Printer User Manual

OPTION ACCESSIBILITY: Through any serial computer port.
By responding to the Enter Request: message at the end of the main
configuration menu (see
Section 8.1
) with "7" for any serial module or
"6" for the M24SII-V02 high speed parallel module (Set Input Inactivity
Timeout), you may set the disconnect timeout. The Model 24SII DES
will automatically disconnect the computer and printer if no characters
are received from the computer for the specified timeout period.
The Model 24SII DES will respond with:
Enter Request :7
| Port | Logical Name |Timeout| Port |
| | (Computer) |in sec |Sel Mode|
| 1 |Device A | 20 |Anytime |
| 3 |Device C | 20 |Anytime |
| 4 |Device D | 20 |Anytime |
Enter Port Number (ENTER=Exit) :
Enter the number of the computer port for which you wish to set the
Input Inactivity Timeout and then strike the Enter key. For example, if
you entered "3" and Enter, the Model 24SII DES will respond with:
| Port | Logical Name |Timeout| Port |
| | (Computer) |in sec |Sel Mode|
| 3 |Device C | 20 |Anytime |
Input Inactivity Timeout is 20 Seconds
Enter NeIw Value (0 to 200), or ENTER for no change :
Enter the number of timeout seconds that you wish from 0 to 200,
followed by Enter.