HP DesignJet 2500CP and 2000CP Printers
PWMąPulseĆWidth Modulation.
RAMąRandomĆAccess Memory.
rasterą1. A matrix of dots, or pixels,
where each pixel is defined by a bit. A bit
that is on" will print a dot on the paper. A
bit that is off" will leave the area blank.
2. A method for defining a plot directly in
terms of the pixels rather than as vectors.
raster image processorąSoftware that
converts graphics data to pixel format.
relative humidityąThe ratio of the
amount of water vapor actually present in
the air to the greatest amount possible at
the same temperature, (from Webster's
Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary,
E MerriamĆWebster 1991).
resolutionąA measure of image sharpness
expressed as a number of lines per unit
length. When referring to plotters, addressĆ
able resolution means the smallest move
the plotter can make programmatically.
rmsąRoot mean square.
ROMąReadĆOnly Memory.
romanąA character set based on the Latin
RSĆ232ĆC interfaceąA serial interface
standardized by the Electronic Industries
Association Standard RSĆ232ĆC.
secondary colorsąRed, blue, green.
service monitorąData display; display
data; monitor mode.
SIMMąSingle InĆline Memory Module.
special paperąA paper specifically develĆ
oped by HP, for HP inkjet plotters.
SPROCąServoĆProcessor Code.
swathąThat portion of a drawing plotted
between advances of the drive roller in
mode. (In Best mode, the drive roller adĆ
vances half a swath at a time; in
mode, it may advance a full swath or half a
swath, depending on whether the plot is colĆ
or or monochrome.)
TCP/IPąTransmission Control Protocol /
Internet Protocol.
thetaĆZ errorąA printĆquality error
caused when the nozzles on a cartridge are
not perpendicular to the carriage axis. The
error shows up as jagged vertical lines.
translucentąDescribes a type of media
through which light passes.
TTOEąThermal TurnĆOn Energy.
UARTąUniversal Asynchronous Receiver
unidirectional print modeąA print
mode in which plotting is performed while
the carriage moves in one direction, and no
plotting is performed while the carriage
moves in the opposite direction.
vellumąA type of strong paper.
VLSąVerticalĆline straightness.
XĆaxisąMedia axis.
XĆaxis calibrationąAccuracy calibration.
YĆaxisąCarriage axis.