Table 3. RS-232 commands organized by function (continued)
Description Command Page
System Commands
Select PDF417 ECC Level GS R n or X'1D52;n1;n2' 63
Print Character Commands
Print and line feed LF or X'0A' or CR or X'0D' 64
Print, form feed, and cut the
paper (FF)
FF or X'0C' 64
Print and feed paper n lines ESC d n or X'1B64;n' 65
Print and feed paper using
minimum units
ESC J n X'1B4A;n' 65
Print Graphic Messages
Select and print a graphics (logo)
ESC * d w h data or X'1B2A;d;w;h;data' 65
Print predefined graphics (logo)
GS / m logo# or X'1D2F;m;logo#' 67
Print predefined messages GS ^ message# or X'1D5E;message#' 68.
Miscellaneous Commands
Retrieve checksum of each
downloaded logo or each stored
ESC | n1 n2 or X'1B7C n1 n2' 29
Tab to next tab stop HT or X'09' 71
Return home (select print head
ESC <nor 1B3C;n 72
Paper cut/DI eject ESC i or ESC m -- X'1B69' or X'1B6D' 73
Generate drive pulse for cash
ESC p mn1n2or X'1B70;m;n1;n2' 73.
Retrieve the flash storage ESC 4 n1 n2 X'1B34;n1;n2' 73
Retrieve size of user flash storage ESC 4 x '03 FF FF FF' or X'1B3403FFFFFF' 74
Check Processing Commands
Flip check ESC 5 or X'1B35' 71
MICR read ESC I or X'1B49' 69
Asynchronous (Real-Time) Commands
Real-time requests DLE ENQ n or X'1005n' 74
Data Buffer Management and Batch Printing
Reset line count ESC 6 or X'1B36' 77
Disable line count ESC 8 n or X'1B38'n 77
Hold printing until buffer is
ESC 7 or X'1B37' 77
Release print buffer DLE ENQ 1 X'10;05;31'' 78
Page Mode Printing Commands
Select page mode ESC L or X'1B4C' 79
Select standard mode ESC S or X'1B4f' 79
Select printable area ESC X or X'1B58;x;y;dx;dy' 79
Select printing direction/position ESC T n or X'1B54;n' 80
Chapter 2. Communication parameters 9