Character Description ASCII
Hex value TOAD representation
Bit 13 = 1 Bit 13 = 0
Dash - X'44' D X'44'
CMC7 - Special characters
Special character 1 a X'61'
Same as ASCII representation and Hex
Special character 2 b X'62'
Special character 3 c X'63'
Special character 4 d X'64'
Special character 5 e X'65'
v For E13B checks, the 1st byte of additional data is the signal level of the
check. This level represents a percentage of difference that this check is
from a nominal check. Nominal checks will have a signal level of 100 (64
v For CMC7 checks, the additional byte of data will always read 100 (64
hex). In this case, the signal level has no meaning.
Response options
v Dependant upon your options, data is presented as {signal strength;
magnetic noise level; MICR read data}.
v Depending upon the setting of MCT 0x6f, bit 10, the second byte of
additional data will either be the characters read off the check (up to a
maximum of 67 characters) or the magnetic noise level (on a scale of
– The default setting is the characters read off the check. If the user
enables reading the magnetic noise level, this level will be in the 2nd
byte of additional data and the characters read off the check will
– The characters are read from left to right. The MICR information will
be represented as ASCII characters.
v Bit 11: MICR raw data format
– 1 = Compatibility mode with older printers
– 0 = Change the MICR data response to TOAD (Transit, On-US,
Amount, Dash)
v Bit 12: Magnetic noise level
– 1 = Compatibility mode with older printers {Signal strength; MICR
read data}
– 0 = The data sent from the printer as a result of a MICR read
command (1B;49) will include a byte with the amplitude of a noise
level. Data would be structured as {signal strength; magnetic noise
level; MICR read data}
v Bit 13:
– 1 = MICR will be read into the flipper.
– 0 = MICR reading setup for back-to-back MICR reads. First read into
the throat of the printer, then read into the flipper.
70 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR