v The command is trying to redefine a logo that was already defined, or
v The allocated memory is full.
Verify the sector was erased before downloading images.
Predefine messages
GS : message# data GS : or X'1D3A;message#;data;1D3A'
message# The message number being stored
data All data and commands to be included in this message. No
immediate commands can be included in the data.
To store predefined messages. This cuts transmission time. This is where
you can store the header and the trailer of receipts, for example.
v After a "GS :" occurs, all incoming commands are stored in the message
until another "GS :" occurs.
v “Print predefined graphics (logo) command” on page 67 can be included
in this command.
v A Checksum for each downloaded message is stored along with the
message. This can be used to verify the correct messages are stored in
the printer at printer initialization. See “Retrieve checksum of each
downloaded logo or each stored message” on page 29.
Store a trailer message:
'Thank You For Shopping' X'0D'
'Store #1234567' X'0D'
This would store this message as predefined message 1. See “Print
predefined messages” on page 68 for printing this trailer message.
Commands for selecting the print station and print characteristics must be
included with the stored message.
v “Print predefined graphics (logo) command” on page 67 can be included
in this command. Select and print a graphics command cannot be used.
See “Print graphic messages” on page 65.
v “Print predefined messages” on page 68 can be included in this
command, but can only be nested one message deep.
Example: Store a predefined message ('Jane Doe') at location 3, then
issue the following commands:
1. X'1D3A06'
2. 'Welcome to Our Store' X'0D'
22 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR