The valid address range for each SureMark depends on the model number
and which memory option, if any, is installed. Use “Retrieve size of user
flash storage” to determine the valid address range for your printer.
Retrieve size of user flash storage
ESC 4 x '08 FF FF FF' or X'1B;34;08;FF;FF;FF'
Retrieve the size of the user flash storage in the printer.
The size of the user flash storage will be returned in 8 bytes after the
printer status bytes. The data will be in the form of ASCII decimal data.
Prepare printer for shut down (S3)
ESC g or X'1B;67'
Prepares the printer to shut down.
The printer firmware tracks many things in internal memory, including
when to trigger low paper parameters and user statistics. These variables
must be stored in nonvolatile memory before the printers loses power to
keep accurate count of these statistics. When either the ECS g or a reset
command is sent to the printer, the printer will store all internal variables
into the flash memory. This should be sent to the printer by the system
unit before it enters S3 mode, where power is removed for I/O. When the
printer powers on (IPLs), a small amount of paper is fed (1/3 of an inch).
If ESC g is sent before the printer powers off, the paper will not feed when
the printer powers on.
Note: The ESC g command is only supported on the 2xR/1NR printers
after the 0C.xx release of the code. It is not supported on legacy
Asynchronous (real-time) commands
These commands are processed as soon as they are received. They do not go into
the printer buffer.
Note: These commands are not recognized when they occur in the middle of
another command. For example, sending this command after the second
byte of a 3-byte command, as in ESC J n.
Real-time requests
DLE ENQ m or X'1005:n'
m Specifies the ASCII command character
n - Specifies the hexadecimal command character
74 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR