Bar code commands
Bar code commands are valid in the thermal print station only.
Note: For the Models 2xR and 1xR, bar-codes print at a maximum rate of 52 LPS.
Print bar code
GS k n NUL or X'1D6B;n;data;00'
Where: n =
Bar Code
X'00' UPC-A
X'01' UPC-E
X'02' JAN13 (EAN-13)
X'03' JAN8 (EAN-8)
X'04' CODE 39
X'05' ITF
X'07' CODE 128C
X'08' CODE 93
X'09' CODE 128A, 128B, and 128C
data For n=00 through n=08, the ASCII representation of the characters to be
For n=09, the hexadecimal representation of the characters to be printed.
The first byte of data must be the byte-count of the remaining data. The
trailing X'00' should not be included for this command.
v Valid at the beginning of a line only.
v This command will increment status byte 6.
v Printing will not start until X'00' is received, or the end of a data packet
in RS-485.
v Data after any invalid character for a particular bar code will be
discarded. The printer will continue to wait for X'00'.
v If X'00' or an invalid character is received before the required number of
data bytes, zeros will be inserted following the data until the required
number is reached (for UPC-A, UPC-E, JAN13, and JAN8).
v Excess characters will be discarded.
v A check digit will be generated if one is not supplied for UPC-A, JAN13,
and JAN8.
v Check digits will be figured and added for Code 128C and Code 93.
v For UPC-E, the printer will expand the data, generate a check digit and
parse the data before generating the bar code (6 or 7 digits are
executed). If 7 digits are received and digit 1 is 0, the last 6 digits are
If digit 1 is not 0, digit 1 is used and the digit 7 is ignored.
56 SureMark 4610 Printers : Programming Guide for Models 1xR and 2xR