IBM pSeries690 Personal Computer User Manual

service processor
saving and restoring 16
setup 159
setup checklist 159
setup menu 21
system information menu 32
system power control menu 27
telephone setup menu 47
test 159
set identify indicators 126
setup and test
service processor 159
setup menu 21
slow boot 88
specifc files
configuration 163
SSA service aid 135
standalone diagnostics 88
loading 142
NIM server 89, 91
partition considerations 88
monitoring 56
configuration 2
methods 9
profiles 4
system attention indicators 126
system information menu 32
system introduction 1
system management services 67
boot devices, select 79
boot options, select 76
error log, view 69
exiting SMS 82
IPL, remote setup 71
IPL, setup 71
multiboot startup 82
password, change options 69
password, privileged-access 69
SCSI settings, change 75
select console 76
select language 68
settings, display current 81
settings, restore default 81
system power-on methods 50
system verification
performing additional 143
running 142
telephone setup menu 47
terminal emulators 167
terminal type
identifying 84
testing the setup
call-in 160
call-out 161
trademarks xiv
transfer of a modem session 169
verifying hardware operation 141