If CPU repeat gard is disabled, processors that are in the ″deconfigured by system″
state will be reconfigured. These reconfigured processors are then tested during the
boot process, and if they pass, they remain online. If they fail the boot testing, they
are deconfigured even though CPU repeat gard is disabled.
The failure history of each CPU is retained. If a processor with a history of failures is
brought back online by disabling repeat gard, it remains online if it passes testing
during the boot process. However, if repeat gard is enabled, the processor is taken
offline again because of its history of failures.
Note: The processor numbering scheme used by the service processor is different
from the numbering scheme used by AIX. To ensure that the correct processor
is selected, consult the AIX documentation before configuring or deconfiguring
a processor.
Note: To determine the number of processors available to AIX, run the following
command on the AIX command line: bindprocessor -q
v Memory Configuration/Deconfiguration Menu
Enable/Disable Memory Repeat Gard
Memory repeat gard partially or fully deconfigures a memory book
automatically during a system boot if a memory book has failed BIST POST,
caused a machine check or checkstop, or has reached a threshold of
recoverable errors. The memory will remain deconfigured until repeat gard is
disabled or the memory book is replaced.
Memory repeat gard is enabled by default.
For more information, see “Configuring and Deconfiguring Processors or
Memory” on page 55.
Runtime Recoverable Error Repeat Gard
Runtime recoverable error repeat gard controls the deallocation of the
memory if a recoverable error occurs during runtime. If a recoverable
memory error occurs, and runtime recoverable error repeat gard is disabled,
the system will continue running with no change in the memory
configuration. If a recoverable memory error occurs, and runtime
recoverable error repeat gard is enabled, the memory half-book or book in
which the error occurred will be taken offline.
Runtime Recoverabe Error Repeat Gard is disabled by default.
These menus allow the user to change the system memory configuration. If it is
necessary to take one of the memory books partially or completely offline, this menu
allows you to deconfigure a book, and then reconfigure the book at a later time. This
menu also allows you to see if the repeat gard function has partially or completely
deconfigured a memory book.
When this option is selected, a menu displays. The following is an example of this
Chapter 3. Using the Service Processor 35