value of 7. If the plug count is not entered, a B1xx 4698 error code, with a detail
value of E10B or E10C, will be posted in the service processor error log.
If the primary I/O book is replaced, the plug counts are retained. However the plug
count menu must be accessed and option 50, ″Commit the values and write to the
VPD,″ must be executed so that the plug counts are revalidated If the counts are not
revalidated, a B1xx 4698 error code, with a detail value of E10B or E10C, will be
posted in the service processor error log.
1. The plug count will be zero for those positions in which L3 cache modules and
MCMs have never been installed.
2. If MCM and L3 modules are removed from the system and not replaced, those
plug counts are retained until they are manually changed.
A screen similar to the following will be displayed. In this example, all four MCMs and
all 16 L3 modules are shown.
MCM/L3 Interposer Plug Count Menu
1. L3_13:7 2. L3_0:7 3. MCM_0:7 4. L3_1:7 5. L3_4:7
6. L3_14:7 7. L3_3:7 8. L3_2:7 9. L3_7:7
10. MCM_3:1 11. MCM_2:1
12. L3_15:7 13. L3_10:7 14. MCM_1:7 15. L3_11:7 16. L3_6:7
17. L3_12:7 18. L3_9:7 19. L3_8:7 20. L3_5:7
50. Commit the values and write to the VPD
98. Return to Previous Menu
The format of the preceding menu entries is the menu index number, followed by
L3_xx, followed by the plug count after the colon. The following table correlates the
preceding information with the physical location codes.
Menu Index Number Physical Location Code
1. L3_13 U1.18-P1-C5
2. L3_0 U1.18-P1-C6
3. MCM_0 U1.18-P1-C1
4. L3_1 U1.18-P1-C7
5. L3_4 U1.18-P1-C8
6. L3_14 U1.18-P1-C9
7. L3_3 U1.18-P1-C10
8. L3_2 U1.18-P1-C11
9. L3_7 U1.18-P1-C12
40 Eserver pSeries 690 User’s Guide