7Part 2: DSP-402 Implementation
PDO Mapping
Describes whether (Yes) or not (No) the Index may be mapped to a PDO (Process Data Object). If yes it may be
mapped to a PDO, if No the Object must be accessed using SDO (Service Data Objects).
M .......................................................................................Mandatory
O ..........................................................................................Optional
The range of the Index will be expressed as a ± Integer or Unsigned.
The range of the Index will be expressed as a ± Integer or Unsigned.
An object may have a number of Sub-Indexes which further define the operation of the object, such as I/O Configuration
Sub-Indexes are formatted thus:
Sub-Index X
Description Sub-Index Functional Description
Entry Category Mandatory/Optional
Access R/W/S/K
PDO Mapping Yes/No
Value Range 1 Byte Hex
Default Value 1 Byte Hex