1 Incoming packets on Port 1
are destined for Port 2.
However, Port 2’s buffer is
2 Port 1 sends a collision
signal to the sending
device, telling it to
retransmit the packets. This
allows Port 2 to clear its
3 When Port 2’s buffer are
cleared, retransmitted
packets are forwarded to
Port 2.
Port 1 buffer Port 2 buffer
9 Restore the switch’s defaults with the init-nvram command and
then reset the switch with the
cold-reset command.
Flow Control Problems
During times of peak network usage, you may occasionally see the
Flow LED blink (for a description of the LED, see page 6). This is
normal. However, if it stays lit for more than a few seconds at a time,
or if the network management software reports an excessive number
of flow controls, it might indicate a problem with your network
configuration. Here’s how flow control works: