Restriction: You cannot benefit from the one-phase commit optimization in the following circumstances:
y If your application uses a reliability attribute other than assured persistent for its JMS messages.
y If your application uses Bean Managed Persistence (BMP) entity beans, or JDBC clients.
Before you configure your system, ensure that you consider all of the components of your J2EE
application that might be affected by one-phase commits. Also, since the JDBC datasource connection
will now be shared by the messaging engine and the EJB container, you need to ensure that you increase
the number of connections allocated to the connection pool. To optimize for one-phase commit
transactions, refer to the following website:
WebSphere Application Server V51 Express
For information on WAS V51 Express, please refer to older versions of the Performance Capabilities
Reference Manual that can be found here:
IBM i 6.1 Performance Capabilities Reference - January/April/October 2008
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