A-61510 January 2005 4-16
Camera settings area
The selections in the Camera area list the available sides (front and
back) of an image where you can define individual image processing
values. If you have an i810 or i830 scanner, only Front Binary and
Back Binary will be displayed. If you have an i820 or i840 scanner,
Front Color, Back Color, Front Binary and Back Binary will be
displayed. For more information about the Camera selections see the
section entitled, “Image outputs” in Chapter 1.
When starting the configuration process, use the steps below as a
1. Check the images you wish to capture (Enable camera settings).
2. Select the order to transfer the images (Define Transfer Order).
3. Configure each image by highlighting it (Configure).
Enable camera settings select the desired checkbox to enable the
Front Color, Front Binary, Back Color and/or Back Binary settings as
desired. This indicates the images you wish to capture and transfer to
the host. (You cannot capture only rear images.) One or all boxes can
be enabled. You can enable your selection by putting a checkmark in
the desired box.
Define Transfer Order define the transfer order by selecting Color
First/Binary First radio buttons. This determines which image is
transferred to the host first when using dual stream scanning.
Configure highlight the image you want to set up. As you select the
image, other options will become available on the Scanner Settings
dialog box. The availability of these options is dependent upon the
selection you make.
For example, Front Binary is highlighted in the example to the left.
Scan Mode the host computer provides information to the scanner
defining whether to scan one or both sides of the image. Simplex
indicates that only one side (front side) of the image will be scanned.
Duplex indicates that both sides of the image will be scanned.