Mitsubishi Electronics WD390U-EST Projector User Manual

Troubleshooting (continued)
No image appears on the screen. (continued)
Problem Solution
The screen for
entering the password
• PasswordinthePasswordmenuhasbeensettoOntoenablethepasswordlock.
Enter the password or contact the person in charge of management of the
projector. (See page 55.)
“No signal” is
• Turnonthepoweroftheconnecteddevice,orcheckwhetherthereissomething
wrong with the connected device.
• Checkwhethertheexternaldeviceoutputsignals.(Checkthisespeciallywhenthe
external device is a notebook computer.)
• Checkthatthecableconnectedtotheexternaldeviceisn’tdefective.
• Checkthattheprojectorisconnectedtotheexternaldeviceusingthecorrect
• Checkthattheconnecteddeviceiscorrectlyselectedastheinputsource.
• Whenanextensioncordisbeingused,replaceitwiththesuppliedcableandcheck
whether images are projected correctly. If images are projected correctly, use an RGB
signal amplifier along with the extension cord.
Images are not displayed correctly.
Problem Solution
Projected images are
Projected images are
• Checkthatthecableconnectedtotheexternaldeviceisn’tintermittent.
• Connectthecable’splugwiththeexternaldevice’sconnectorrmly.
• PresstheAUTOPOSITIONbutton.
• Somecomputersoutputout-of-specsignalsonrareoccasion.AdjusttheSignal
menu. (See page 24.)
• WhentheinputsignalisaWXGAvideosignal,conrmthesettingselectedinWXGA
in the Option menu.
• WhentheinputsignalisotherthanaWXGAvideosignal,selectOffinWXGAinthe
Option menu.
Projected images are
• Adjusttheprojectorandthescreensothattheyareperpendiculartoeachother.(See
page 9.)
Projected images are
• AdjustBrightnessandContrastinthePicturemenu.(Seepage30.)
• Replacethelamp.(Seepage58.)
Projected images are
• Adjustthefocus.(Seepage16.)
• Cleanthelens.
• Pressthe or button on the remote control to eliminate flicker.
• AdjustTrackingandFinesyncintheSignal menu. (See page 24.)
• AdjustBrightness and Contrast in the Picture menu. (See page 30.)
• Adjusttheprojectorandthescreensothattheyareperpendiculartoeachother.(See
page 9.)
Afterimages persist on
the screen.
This phenomenon is improved by keeping projecting an evenly bright image. (Such
“image burn-in” phenomenon where afterimages persist on the screen may occur if a
stationary image is kept displayed on the screen for a long time.)
White dots are seen
on projected images.
Black dots are seen
on projected images.
• ThisphenomenonisnormalforaDLP™projectorandisnotamalfunction.(Avery
small number of pixels may visibly or invisibly be persistent all the time, but they are
Fine streaks are seen
on projected images.
• Thisisduetointerferencewiththescreensurfaceandisnotamalfunction.Replace
the screen or displace the focus a little.
• Verticalorhorizontalstreaknoisemayappearontheprojectedimage,dependingon
the type of the DVD player, game console or computer you use. In such a case, you
can reduce such streak noise by enabling the LPF.
Projected images
become wavy.
• Connecttheplugsofthecablestoexternaldevicessecurely.
• Keeptheprojectorawayfromequipmentgeneratinginterferingradiowaves.
• Whenthekeystoneadjustmentiscarriedout,theimagemaynotbedisplayed
correctly because of the type of input signal. This isn’t a product malfunction. In this
case, readjust the keystone so that the amount of keystone correction is as small as