Chapter 4 • • For UNIX Users
Step 6. Enable the "Terminal" port for login purpose.
Taking ttya11 as an example,
for SCO UNIX/OpenServer/Open Desktop,
# enable ttya11
Or refer to the UNIX system manuals for how to activate a tty port.
4.2 MOXA TTY and Non-TTY Ports
Even though C360 can provide up to 1024 serial port in a system, only 256
ports among 1024 ports can be configured as TTY ports, the rest ports as non-
TTY ports.
MOXA TTY ports follow the standard of UNIX tty ports. But MOXA non-
TTY ports do not. Instead, they follow the Moxa-defined rule which will be
stated below. In other word, the naming convention of MOXA TTY ports is
different from that of MOXA non-TTY ports. So is the programming rule.
If the TTY ports of C360 are successfully configured, there will be two tty
devices created for each TTY port at /dev directory: one is non-MODEM tty
(e.g. ttya11), and the other is MODEM tty (e.g. ttyA11). The two devices are
actually accessing the same physical port except that the MODEM tty has to
check the ON status of DCD signal from remote site to be able to open device
and will close device automatically as DCD signal is OFF.
To be able to use speeds higher than 38400 bps in the UNIX system, the 50
baud rate will no longer stand for 50 bps instead it means 57600 bps, 75 baud
rate for 115.2K bps, 110 baud rate for 230.4K bps, and 134 baud rate for
460.8K bps.
The convention of the MOXA TTY device name is: