Technical Reference • • Appendix B
Appendix B Technical Reference
B.1 Ethernet Cabling
Async Concentrators' layout for C360 could be 10BASE-2 (BNC) and/or
10BASE-T (UTP) which conforming to Ethernet cabling rule.
For 10BASE-T with HUBs, the longest distance from C360 Control Board to
the last Async Concentrator is 500 meters which is depicted as follows:
Specifications for 10BASE-T thin coaxial cable are as follows:
v Cable characteristics: 0.4 - 0.6 mm (22 -26 AWG) 8-wire (Only 4 wires are
used for 10BASE-T)
v Max. segment length: 100 meters
Hub #1
100 meters
100 meters
100 meters
100 meters
100 meters
Hub #2
Hub #3
Hub #4