NEC V300X Projector User Manual

Important Information
Fire and Shock Precautions
• Ensurethatthereissufcientventilationandthatventsareunobstructedtopreventthebuild-upofheatinside
your projector. Allow at least 4 inches (10cm) of space between your projector and a wall.
• Donottrytotouchtheventilationoutletonthefrontsideasitcanbecomeheatedwhiletheprojectoristurnedon
and immediately after the projector is turned off.
• Preventforeignobjectssuchaspaperclipsandbitsofpaperfromfallingintoyourprojector.Donotattempttoretrieve
any objects that might fall into your projector. Do not insert any metal objects such as a wire or screwdriver into
your projector. If something should fall into your projector, disconnect it immediately and have the object removed
by a qualified service personnel.
• Donotplaceanyobjectsontopoftheprojector.
• Donottouchthepowerplugduringathunderstorm.Doingsocancauseelectricalshockorre.
• Theprojectorisdesignedtooperateonapowersupplyof100-240VAC50/60Hz.Ensurethatyourpowersupply
fits this requirement before attempting to use your projector.
• Donotlookintothelenswhiletheprojectorison.Seriousdamagetoyoureyescouldresult.
• Keepanyitemssuchasmagnifyingglassoutofthelightpathoftheprojector.Thelightbeingprojectedfromthe
lens is extensive, therefore any kind of abnormal objects that can redirect light coming out of the lens, can cause
unpredictable outcome such as fire or injury to the eyes.
• Donotplaceanyobjects,whichareeasilyaffectedbyheat,infrontofaprojectorexhaustvent.
Doing so could lead to the object melting or getting your hands burned from the heat that is emitted from the
• Handlethepowercablecarefully.Adamagedorfrayedpowercablecancauseelectricshockorre.
- Do not use any power cables than the supplied one.
- Do not bend or tug the power cable excessively.
- Do not place the power cable under the projector, or any heavy object.
- Do not cover the power cable with other soft materials such as rugs.
- Do not heat the power cable.
- Do not handle the power plug with wet hands.
• Turnofftheprojector,unplugthepowercableandhavetheprojectorservicedbyaqualiedservicepersonnel
under the following conditions:
- When the power cable or plug is damaged or frayed.
- If liquid has been spilled into the projector, or if it has been exposed to rain or water.
Place the projector in a horizontal position
The tilt angle of the projector should not exceed 10 degrees, nor should the projector be installed in any way other
than the desktop and ceiling mount, otherwise lamp life could decrease dramatically.