NETGEAR STM150EW3-100NAS Switch User Manual

ProSecure Web/Email Security Threat Management Appliance STM150 Reference Manual
Customizing Scans 4-9
v1.1, March 2009
To define the recipient whitelist. On the menu, go to
Email Security >Anti-Spam > Whitelist and Blacklist.
1. Under the Whitelist column, enter the domain name, or email address that you want set as a
trusted source.
2. Click Apply.
To define the blacklist. 1.Under the Blacklist column, enter the IP address (or IP address
range), domain name, or email address that you want set as a blocked source. Click Apply.
Configuring the Real-time Blacklist
On the menu, go to Email Security > Anti-Spam > Real-time Blacklist.
Blacklist providers are organizations that collect IP addresses of verified open SMTP relays that
may be used by spammers as media for sending spam. These known spam relays are compiled by
blacklist providers and are made available to the public in the form of real-time blacklists (RBLs).
By accessing these RBLs, the STM150 can block spam originating from known spam sources.
By default, the STM150 comes with three pre-defined RBLs, Dsbl, Spamhaus, and Spamcop.
There is no limit to the number of blacklist providers that you can add to the RBL sources.
1. Select which RBL sources you wish to enable under Active.
2. Click Apply.
Figure 4-5