NETGEAR STM150EW3-100NAS Switch User Manual

ProSecure Web/Email Security Threat Management Appliance STM150 Reference Manual
Customizing Scans 4-23
v1.1, March 2009
Before enabling HTTPS scanning, you may specify which certificate to be used by the STM150 to
handle HTTPS requests. By default, a certificate issued by NETGEAR is used. This certificate can
be downloaded from the STM150 login screen for browser import. Click Import to import a
certificate of your choice. A password is required for some certificates.
Note that the newly imported certificate will overwrite the existing certificate.
To import a new certificate used for HTTPS scans
1. In the Import from File field, click Browse, and then select the certificate file.
2. Provide the certificate password.
3. Click Upload.
Trusted Certificate Authorities
Trusted certificates are listed here. Click Delete Selected to delete a certificate from the trusted
list. Click View Details to view the details of a certificate.
Untrusted Certificates
When visiting a site with a certificate that was signed by an untrusted CA, the site will
automatically be listed in the Untrusted Certificates section under the Certificates Management
page of the STM150 Web interface. After it is added to the list, you will have the option to add it to
the STM150's trusted list, delete it from the exception list, or view the details of the certificate.