9-70 User’s Reference Guide
DHCP NetBIOS Options
If your network uses NetBIOS, you can enable the Netopia R910 to use DHCP to distribute NetBIOS information.
NetBIOS stands for Network Basic Input/Output System. It is a layer of software originally developed by IBM
and Sytek to link a network operating system with specific hardware. NetBIOS has been adopted as an industry
standard. It offers LAN applications a variety of “hooks” to carry out inter-application communications and data
transfer. Essentially, NetBIOS is a way for application programs to talk to the network. To run an application that
works with NetBIOS, a non-IBM network operating system or network interface card must offer a NetBIOS
emulator. Many vendors either provide a version of NetBIOS to interface with their hardware or emulate its
transport layer communications services in their network products. A NetBIOS emulator is a program provided
by NetWare clients that allow workstations to run applications that support IBM’s NetBIOS calls.
■ Select DHCP NetBios Options and press Return. The DHCP NetBIOS Options screen appears.
■ To serve DHCP clients with the type of NetBIOS used on your network, select Serve NetBios Type and
toggle it to Yes.
DHCP NetBios Options
Serve NetBios Type: Yes
NetBios Type... Type B
Serve NetBios Scope: No
NetBios Scope:
Serve NetBios Name Server: No
NetBios Name Server IP Addr:
Configure DHCP-served NetBIOS options here.