Nortel Networks 7400 Switch User Manual

ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)
In-Band Automatic
Number Identification
Call Pickup Network Wide
Virtual Network Service
510 Trunk Route Member
MCDN End to End
Features contd…
Allows a carrier to send to the
Meridian 1 the calling party’s
10-digit telephone number via
standard digital trunks (T1)
In a Meridian 1 corporate network
with multiple sites, enables call
pickup feature to be used even if
the two phones are connected to
different Meridian 1 or Succession
CSE 1000 systems
Provides private ISDN networking
features utilising public network
Expands the number of ISDN
Bearer “B” Channels that can be
associated with a single D-Channel
up to 510 from 254 previously
Provides robust features of MCDN
networks such as Network
Attendant Service (NAS), Network
Automatic Call Distribution (NACD)
and Network Message Service
(NMS) over standardised ISDN
Q.SIG network interfaces
Benefits contd…
Promotes greater customer
responsiveness with personalised
greetings based on incoming ANI
information being provided
Boosts personal productivity and
promotes more efficient call
handling for Meridian 1 networks
with multiple campuses
Reduces costs by not requiring a
dedicated private network
Reduces costs in private networks
by maximising D-Channel
Leverages and maximises your
investment in the rich services of
standardised networks
Solution Sets:
Meridian 1 and CSE 1000 ISDN
Basic Rate Interface (BRI)
ISDN BRI connects data terminals and telephones to
public network switches, such as those used by local
telephone companies, or private network switches,
like the Meridian 1. ISDN BRI implementation into
Meridian 1 software is in accordance with relevant
CCITT standards at the physical, data link and
network layers of the International Standards
Organisation's Open Systems Interconnect model.
Feature activation is supported using CCITT-defined
supplemental service elements. In addition, National
ISDN support is provided, including the
supplementary services "Conference" and "Call
Forward All Calls".
Meridian 1 and CSE 1000 ISDN
Primary Rate Applications
The link that connects corporate users to ISDN
network services
Provides a platform for innovative networking
services such as:
• Dynamically allocating trunks on a
call-by-call basis
• Activating feature transparency such as Ring
Again or Call Forward across a network
• Notification of a calling party’s identity
• Improving customer service and productivity
by automatically linking the calling party's
number to a file in a host computer data base