Nortel Networks 7400 Switch User Manual

• Supervisor view of call centre and agent activity
with real-time display of information
• Open interfaces to data access,
easy integration
• Integration with third-party applications
• Software-only solution running on specified
industry-standard PC platforms
Features and Benefits
SECC utilises a predefined decision tree and
customer-defined parameters/call treatment to
determine incoming call queuing and treatments.
Queuing and treatments are based on call type and
current contact centre conditions. Contact centre
conditions include “Open or Closed”, emergency
status (active or non-active), the number of calls
active and queued in the system, the number of calls
waiting of a particular type and/or the amount of
time a call has waited in queue. During open hours,
depending on configuration, queued calls are
presented immediately with a Greeting
Announcement and with up to two separate delay
announcements (independent timers) while waiting.
The first announcement can be configured to inform
callers of expected wait time or position in queue.
Additionally, based on conditions and configuration,
calls can be queued to alternate skill sets or sent to
an alternate directory number to facilitate
answering. During designated closed periods calls
can be queued to an alternate skill set, routed to an
alternate number for handling or messaging, or
receive a closed announcement.
Nortel Networks Symposium Express Call Centre and
Symposium Call Centre Server both offer skill-based
routing to agents, call treatment options, real time
displays and comprehensive management and
reporting functionality – empowering today’s
contact centres with the tools and agility to deliver
unique and unprecedented care to their customers.
Determining the best solution for your customer
requires an assessment not only of size and capacity
requirements – but an understanding of your
customer’s immediate and future requirements for
capacity, flexibility and customisation in planning
their incoming call routing and treatment. The
following table summarises the features of
Symposium Express Call Centre (SECC) and
Symposium Call Centre Server (SCCS) to help you
understand the capabilities of each.
Symposium Express Call Centre
SECC 3.0 SCCS 4.2
Target Contact Centre Emerging/Small, Departmental Seasoned/Small to Large
Requirements Basic, Ease of Management Customisable, Dynamic
Calls per Hour 5,000 35,000
Active Agents (A)-Configured Agents (C) (A) 10 to 150 – (C) 300 (A) 20 to 1,500 - (C) 3,000
Total Skill sets/ Per Agent /Agent Priority 100 / 50 / 1 to 4 350 / 50 / 1 to 48
Management Interface Wizard-driven, point & click Uses Scripting Language
Script Customisation No - defined template Yes
Scheduled Changes No Yes
Standby Mode for Skill sets No Yes
Supervisors/Administrators 4/4 100/100
Queuing & Treatments
Multiple Call Treatments Yes Yes
Skill-Based Routing Yes Yes
Routing by Caller’s Number (CLID) Yes Yes
Routing by Dialled Number (DNIS) Yes Yes
Routing by Meridian Mail Menu Yes Yes