Nortel Networks 7400 Switch User Manual

Traffic Analysis – used to analyse switch resources
and to forecast growth. It will provide
information such as trunk usage, peak periods,
processor loads and loop traffic
LDAP Synchronisation – provides the ability to link
the OTM Common Database to an external LDAP
server. Netscape, Novell NDS, Microsoft Active
Directory and Microsoft Exchange LDAP servers
are supported. LDAP synchronisation will save the
administrator from having to do repetitive data
entry of common data
Station Administration – simplifies the day-today
station adds, moves and changes to single and
multi-line phones
Web Based Desktop Services – provides end users
with an easy-to-use on-line help; end users can
also be given permissions to make feature
changes on their phones
Virtual Terminal Service – provides a single point
of connectivity to the Meridian 1 system and other
telnet enabled Meridian applications (ie Meridian
Mail, MIRAN, MICB, etc) via a terminal emulator
that can be launched using a Web browser. It also
provides context sensitive on-line help for
Meridian 1 overlays
Corporate Directory – enables enterprises to
define parameters and generate reports from
corporate station and user data that is associated
with a terminal number. These reports can
include up to 100 different data fields including
name, extension, location and department
associated with each terminal number
Access Server – offers terminal server-like
capabilities. It provides the ability to access OTM
via Command Line Interface (CLI) and have the
input passed through to a specific connected
Telecom Billing System – is a fully integrated
telecom costing and billing application.
TBS can collect call records and allocate costs to
the appropriate users or departments using
flexible cost models. It also generates meaningful
reports that supports multiple currencies
The Optivity Telephony Manager Release 2.0
(OTM 2.0) provides concurrency up to (and
including) release 25.40 as well as CSE 1000 release
2.0.OTM 2.0 includes the feature enhancements
described below:
Succession CSE 1000 Release 2.0 Concurrence.
The OTM 2.0 applications have been modified to
support the introduction of new components in the
CSE 1000 Rel 2.0 solution. It includes the support of
new set (i2002) as well as the support for branch
office and virtual office.
Empowered Web Navigation. The OTM navigators
(Windows and Web based) provide a display of
Succession CSE 1000 elements in a network view.
Succession CSE1000 network elements that can be
displayed include Gatekeepers, Call Servers and
Signaling Servers. The OTM navigators will allow
administrators to select specific elements by clicking
on the displayed element, which will cause their
browser to link to the CSE “on-board ”Web server
and proceed to management “direct to the element”.
Also, since CSE is a distributed system, a new
network view (called Gatekeeper Zones) is created in
the OTM navigators. It provides a “logical ” view of
components that are linked to a given Gatekeeper as
opposed to a “geographical” view of components in
given physical locations.
Improved Security and User Access Control.
Starting on OTM Release 2.0, administrators can
now create new user groups and define for all type
of accesses one or more authentication methods.
The authentication can be done through a local OTM
server account, a Windows NT domain account or
using an LPAP server.
All passwords stored in OTM database will be
encrypted (Windows Crypto API) as well as
passwords used for synchronisation with LDAP
servers (SSL encryption).
Optivity Telephony Manager (OTM)