Nortel Networks 7400 Switch User Manual

Passport 6400 Multiservice Enterprise Switch
Key Points
• Bandwidth Savings – achieve bandwidth savings
through dynamic bandwidth allocation, voice
(8K) and data compression, silence suppression,
fax demodulation and optimised LAN access
QoS Optimisation – Passport supports Multiple
Priority System (MPS) to allow dynamic traffic
management based on application characteristic
and QoS priorities
• Branch Office Consolidation – Passport 6400
provides consolidation for ATM, voice, fax, video,
LAN, SNA and data services across a single
network link
Scalability – Passport 6400 can support
thousands of nodes
Low Cost of Operations – Passport 6400 supports
switched virtual circuits, avoiding a large number
of provisioned connections and dynamically
providing the best available traffic path.
PP6400 Key Features Benefits
System Networking Redundancy Redundancy available at CP, FP, system bus, Fan
Unit & Power supply to avoid single point failure
Multiple Priority System Allocates bandwidth dynamically, reducing traffic
congestion and delivering the least possible
network latency, guaranteeing service level for
all traffic
Virtual Network Provides flexible cell and frame transport and
Switching improves LAN/WAN inter-working performance for
IP and IPX routed traffic as well as bridged traffic
M-PANL Networking Inter-working with PP4400 for both data and
with PP4400 voice services.
ATM SVC/PNNI/IISP Support Provides ease of configuration and management
with reduced latency for voice and improved
connectivity for LAN traffic
Next Generation ATM Dedicated ASIC to optimise IP performance
IP module over ATM
Frame Relay RFC 1490 WAN PVC over Provides seamless inter-working between Passport
Frame Relay protocol 6400 and routers
QoS-enabled for Frame Support QoS prioritisation(TP) for FR circuits over
Relay service PP network
Voice Toll-quality Voice Support single-hop SVC for voice connection to
(Clearvoice) deliver toll-quality voice at G.729
FAX Demodulation Efficient consolidation of fax with other services
reduces communication costs. Transmits faxes
with only 9.6/14.4 Kbps instead of 64 Kbps
A-law and Mu-law Inherently provides signalling conversion and
conversion avoids the need for external signalling equipment
Key Features and Benefits