Nortel Networks 7400 Switch User Manual

cross-sell products, services and advertises a
company’s marketing campaigns
• Click stream tracking - enables businesses with
the capability to track the customers “surfing”
activity. An agent is presented with the last series
of URL’s the customer visited on their Website.
This allows agents to better understand the
behaviour and interest pattern of the customer
• Agent Interface – overall look and feel of the
agent interface has been improved including
changes to the menu, toolbar, data layout and
presentation, navigation, transaction and data
download. New agent interface functionality
includes added views, agent input and info area,
status bar and Web collaboration
• E-mail Manager - capabilities include support for
multiple e-mail servers, agent ability to CC and
BCC other recipients on their outbound e-mails,
as well as no direct agent – mail server interaction
allowing agents to continue to operate during
mail server downtime.
In addition, E-mail Manager also includes
analytical tools to expedite the troubleshooting
process, should any issues arise
• Dynamic Transaction Handler (DTH) - enables
electronic transactions to be "blended" with
telephone traffic for presentation to the agent's
desktop. As agents become available, electronic
inquiries are routed to the best-qualified agent’s
desktop. DTH allows customer contact centres to
equally distribute Web requests among call
centre agents through Nortel Networks
Meridian 1 and Symposium applications
• Click-to-Call - offering customers a connection to
live representatives via immediate or scheduled
telephone call back that assists in their
immediate needs, enhancing the overall customer
experience and maintaining customer loyalty
Example of the Web Communication module
in action:
A customer is surfing a real estate website to
research the purchase of a new home. After some
initial research, she clicks a link to “chat” with a real
estate agent. Using the Web Communication
module’s real-time, typed text chat feature, she can
discuss her needs and budget. She can also take
advantage of the module’s co-browsing feature and
“push” the agent a page on an interesting property
that she discovered while browsing the site. The
agent, in turn, can push pages to the customer
detailing other properties that might suit her needs.
The agent can also use the opportunity to cross-sell
a recreational property, or up-sell a larger home that
might better accommodate her growing family.
With the module’s Click-Stream Tracking feature,
the agent can check where else on the site the
customer has surfed, garnering useful intelligence
about her interests and making sure she has a clear
picture of all the information she’ll need to make
her decision. If the agent has to take some time to
respond to the customer’s query, the Web
Communication module provides a Web-on-Hold
feature - the online equivalent of the background
music or voice ads that telephone callers hear while
waiting in queue. The Web-based customer can be
presented with various media types - images, other
Web pages, even video clips - that let her know
about additional products and services, such as
mortgages and how to arrange a home inspection.
Like a special display at the checkout of a bricks-and-
mortar store, Web-on-Hold offers one more chance
to make another sale or preview future possibilities
that will keep a customer coming back. Finally, when
the hypothetical online customer is ready to apply
for a mortgage pre-approval, the Web
Communication module provides a Form-Sharing
feature whereby the agent can help her fill in an
HTML purchase form on the website. This online
collaboration provides a welcome service to the
customer, saving her the work of filling in some
of the fields and also ensures that no mistakes
are made that might disrupt the transaction.
Also, the personal interaction and assistance
make it less likely that the customer will
abandon her transaction partway through.
Symposium Web Centre Portal
Ordering Information
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