Watchdog and Utilities • 47
5.2 Hardware Doctor Utility
This section introduces the Hardware Doctor Utility that comes with the CPU
board in conjunction with the onboard hardware monitoring functions. The
section describes the functions of the utility.
Hardware Doctor is a self-diagnostic system for PC and must be used with
the Winbond W83781D/W83782D or W83627HF IC series products. It will
protect the PC Hardware by monitoring several critical items including Power
Supply Voltage, CPU Fan speed, and CPU & System temperature. These
items are important to the operation of system; errors may result in
permanent damage to the PC. If any item is out of its normal range, an
obvious warning message will pop up and notify the user to take the
appropriate action.
The Hardware Doctor utility supports Windows 98 and Windows NT. The
software is stored on the ADLINK CD under the following directory:
X:\Utility\HWDoctor\W8378X\WIN98 and
To install the Hardware Doctor Utility execute the HWM-98.exe or
HWM-NT.exe respectively under Windows 98 or Windows NT.
For a detail user's manual, please refer the HWDoctor.PDF under the