FINS/UDP Method Section 7-3
UDP port number: FINS UDP port number (Ethernet Unit of relay node)
FINS addresses (Remote node CPU Unit):
Network address: 2
Node address: 1
Unit number: 0
FINS addresses (Host computer):
Network address: 1
Node address: 50
Unit number: 0
Operation Overview • This program reads 150 words of the PLC memory beginning at D00100
by sending a FINS command (MEMORY AREA READ, command code
0101) from a UNIX workstation (WS) to the PLC on the Ethernet network.
• If no response is received within two seconds of sending the FINS com-
mand, the command will be resent.
Settings • The Ethernet Unit IP address is, and the FINS node
address is 100. IP address conversion is set to automatic generation
• The FINS UDP port number for the Ethernet Unit is 9600 (default).
• The workstation’s IP address is and its FINS node address
is 50.
• The FINS UDP port number for the workstation can be a user-set number
(if set to 0, the system automatically allocates an available port).