Pandigital R70F452 Tablet User Manual

Home Screen
Wi-Fi connection status
Battery charge level status
Alarm(s) are activated
Bookstore row shows
latest books from Barnes
& Noble (scrollable).
Tap on media cover to
display description,
synopsis and Buy options.
Tap Update to sync with
Barnes & Noble’s website
and populate the
Bookstore row.
Tap Bookstore to launch
web browser and go to
Barnes & Noble’s website.
Tap Update Library
to sync
with your Barnes & Noble
account to display the
covers of downloadable
media in
My Library row 2.
My Library:
Row 1 displays your recently viewed media (non-scrollable).
Row 2 displays media currently in your Barnes & Noble account (scrollable).
My Library for quick access to My Library screen.
Tap on any media icon in the My Library rows to open and display the media in
Application Quick Launch Bar (scrollable). Tap icons to launch applications.
Tap to hide and open the Application Quick Launch Bar.