4929-A2-GN20-00 March 2005 5-1
Configuration Using the NMS
The 4900 Series DSLAMs have an integral web interface that you can access with
a web browser. The DSLAM’s integral Network Management System (NMS) lets
you configure and monitor the DSLAM using a standard web browser.
Web Interface System Requirements
Web Browser – Required for running NMS. Compatible web browsers
include, but are not limited to, Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 6.0 or
higher) and Netscape Navigator (version 6.0 or higher). NMS is optimized for
use with Internet Explorer.
Use your browser's default settings when running NMS. JavaScript must be
Screen Resolution – 1024 x 768 pixels is the minimum resolution required for
all NMS views to fit within the dimensions of most monitors and laptops. Lower
screen resolutions (such as 800 x 600 pixels) may cause NMS screens to
exceed the width or height of the screen. To verify screen resolution on a
Windows system:
— Right click on your desktop
— Select Properties
— Click the Settings tab
— Adjust the Screen Resolution as needed