5. Configuration Using the NMS
4929-A2-GN20-00 March 2005
DSCP Rules
To configure DSCP rules:
1. Click on the DSCP Rules tab. The DSCP Rules screen appears.
2. Select or enter the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Port Select a port from the drop-down list.
Reset the DSCP rules to
default parameters
Click in this box to reset DSCP rules when the Submit
button is clicked on.
Activate Specify whether the rule is active.
DS Value Specify the Differentiated Services value. The DS
Value of a packet is a hexadecimal value calculated
from the upper six bits of an eight-bit field in the
packet's IP header.
DS Mask Specify the DS mask. The DS Mask is a hexadecimal
value that indicates which of the DSCP's upper six bits
will be utilized in considering a packet's DSCP type.
Default is FC, indicating that all of the DSCP's upper
six bits will be used in calculating the packet's DS