5. Configuration Using the NMS
4929-A2-GN20-00 March 2005
IP Rules
To configure IP rules:
1. Click on the IP Rules tab. The IP Rules screen appears.
2. Select or enter the following parameters:
Parameter Description
Port Select a port from the drop-down list.
Activate Specify whether the rule is active.
IP Range Specify the range of IP addresses that constitutes a
match for this rule.
Allow Tag/Untag on Ingress
Specify tag or untag. Tag indicates that ingress
packets already matched to the IP Rule must have a
VLAN tag to be further considered; packets without a
VLAN tag will be dropped. Untag indicates that
ingress packets already matched to the IP Rule
cannot have a VLAN tag to be further considered;
packets with a VLAN tag will be dropped.