Using MPCLII Conventions
Here are some guidelines to follow when using MPCLII.
MPCLII Punctuation
Use the following symbols when creating MPCLII packets:
{ start of header
} end of header
p field separator (Use hex 7C for this character.
Depending on the code page selected, this
character may appear differently.)
, parameter separator
"ABC" Quotation marks enclose character strings.
Empty quotes ("") identify null strings or
unused fields.
‘comment‘ Grave accents enclose comments. Any data
enclosed in grave accents is ignored. Do not
embed comments within a quoted string.
ENQ and immediate commands are always
processed, even if they are included within
grave accents Grave accents are also used
to reject mainframe data.
These MPCL characters are the default. See "Defining the
Control Characters Packet" to change these characters.
Standard Syntax Guidelines
When creating MPCLII packets:
Begin each packet with a start of header ({).
End each packet with an end of header (}).
Configuring the Printer