W1. W Writable Font Header.
W2. font# Font number from 0-9999.
0 is for all fonts. 1 - 5 digits is the font number.
Example: 11 is the standard printer font,
CG Triumvirate
W3. action Action. Options:
A Adds the specified font.
C Clears all or specified fonts, except ones in ROM.
H Uploads font size information.
M Uploads font memory usage information.
NOTE: C does not clear (erase) fonts saved in the 9825,
985x, or 9860 printer’s flash memory. You must
format flash memory to erase fonts from the printer’s
flash memory. However, when you format flash
memory, ALL fonts saved in the printer’s flash
memory are deleted.
W4. device Device. Options:
F Flash (9825/985x/9860)
R Volatile RAM
Z All devices (use for upload).
If you are creating fonts, you need to have font data included with
this packet. Software is available to create the font data and
packet. Call Technical Support for more information.
Selects all fonts and checks the memory usage in RAM. The
printer returns the following to the host:
{W,0,M,R p
Number of bytes free, Number of bytes used p }
Selects all fonts and uploads the font size information for any
downloaded fonts.
Configuring the Printer