hexadecimal method 5-3, 5-5
overview 5-3
run length chart C-21
run length method 5-3, 5-7
storing the image 5-9
bitmapped fonts
definition of term G-1
black to white print ratio 5-4
defining 3-27
determining distance from left/right 3-28
determining distance from top/bottom
definition of term G-1
scalable font 2-26
buffer selection 2-22
buffer size selection 2-22
calling technical support 8-5
backfeed control 2-19
bar code density 4-12
communication settings 2-17
memory configuration 2-22
packet control characters 2-15
security level of PDF417 4-13 - 4-14
character rotation
in constant text field 3-23
in text field 3-6
fixed using option 1 4-3
magnifying font size B-6
number of in bar code 3-8
number of in non-printable field 3-20
number of in text 3-3
padding 4-9
placement of human readables 9-6
hexadecimal conversion C-17
run length conversion C-21
check digit option
syntax 4-10
check digit schemes
syntax 4-17 - 4-18
using sum of digits 4-19
using sum of products 4-18
check digit worksheet D-3
check digits
clearing scheme from memory 2-32
customizing a scheme 4-17
generating 4-10
ENQ trailer characters 8-2
ENQ/IMD characters 8-2
job status 7-8
packet control characters 8-2
printer status 7-2
RS232 trailer characters 8-2
clearing packets 2-32
code pages C-1
100 table C-5
101 table C-6
1251 table C-10
1252 table C-11
1258 table C-13
437 and 850 C-1
437 table C-6
850 table C-7
entering C-2
International characters 2-10
selecting C-1
color options of text 3-5, 3-22
checklist for trouble 8-4
list of errors 8-16
packet syntax 2-17
resetting printer 8-4
using a mode command 2-2
considering unit of measure 1-8
format sample A-12
compliance label
including in a field 5-22
including in a format 5-4
overlays, defining 5-11
overview 5-2