Using Immediate Commands
Immediate commands affect printer operation as soon as the
printer receives them, even if they are included within a packet or
used inside quotation marks.
You can use immediate commands to change immediate
command or status polling control characters, reset the printer, or
cancel and repeat batches.
Enabling Immediate Commands
When the printer is first turned on, these commands are not
available. To use these commands, you must first send the
control characters packet and define the immediate command
control character. The immediate command control character is
saved in non-volatile RAM and therefore not lost after you turn off
the printer. Once the immediate command control character is
defined, the immediate commands are enabled.
Sending Immediate Commands
Immediate commands consist of a three- or four-character
sequence you can send in a packet or embed in your application.
Each command must be sent separately.
control character_immediate command
The printer can accept only one immediate command at a time.
Sending a command before the previous one is completed can
result in an error.
Immediately cancels the batch currently printing. This example
assumes that the defined immediate command control character
is the caret (^).
Configuring the Printer