Sam4s SAM4s ER-5115 Cash Register User Manual

SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Programming
Program 810 - Clerk Descriptor Programming
1. Turn the control lock to the P position.
2. To begin the program, enter 8 1 0, press the SBTL key.
0 SBTL18
3. Enter the number (1-15) of the clerk you wish to program; press the X/TIME key.
4. Refer to the "Descriptor Code Chart " on page 148 and determine the codes for the
descriptor you wish to program. Enter up to 12 three-character codes; then press the
SBTL key. Repeat from step 3 to program additional clerks.
Enter up to 12
three character
5. Press the CASH key to finalize the program.