
SAM4s ER-5115 Electronic Cash Register Operations
Clerk Sign-On/Sign-Off
See "System Option Programming" on page 108, to review your clerk options:
The ER-5115 can be set to function with a cashier or clerk reporting system. System
option #7 allows you to select media reporting, thus allowing cashier accountability.
System option #15 allows you to select direct or code entry sign on and/or stay-down or
pop-up operation.
Depending on how your machine has been programmed, sign-on will take place only at the beginning
of a shift (stay-down), or may have to be repeated for each transaction (pop-up). If your machine has
been programmed for stay-down clerks, the clerk currently signed on must be signed off before
another clerk may be signed on.
Check with your store manager to see which options have been selected for your register.
Before any transaction may take place, a clerk must be signed on. Clerk sign-on is accomplished in
one of two ways:
Direct Sign-On
To sign on a clerk, enter the clerk number and press the clerk key.
Clerk # (1-15)
To sign the clerk off, enter 0 (Zero) and press the clerk key.
Coded Sign-On
To sign on a clerk, press the clerk key, enter the clerk code, and then press the clerk key again.
Clerk Code (up to 6 digits)
To sign the clerk off, enter 0 (Zero) and press the clerk key.