Sharp EL-9600 Calculator User Manual

To view the graph, press GRAPH . The following graph will be constructed for
the data.
Press TRACE and then press repeatedly to trace the points making up the
broken-line graph. Turn PLOT1 off by pressing 2ndF STAT PLOT ENTER
Method of Teaching
Use the Blackline Masters 4.1 and 4.2 to create overheads for entering
one-variable data sets, that are non-weighted and weighted, and graphing
broken-line and box-and-whisker charts that represent the data. Go over in
detail how to select interval sizes for the broken-line graphs, either logically
or mathematically, and talk about how the calculator plots the graphs.
Next, use the Blackline Master 4.3 to create a worksheet for the students.
Have the students enter the data sets and construct a broken-line graph
and a box-and-whisker chart. Use the topics For Discussion to supplement
the worksheets.
Using Blackline Master 4.2
The creation of a non-weighted one-variable data set and its corresponding
broken-line graph is discussed previously under Calculator Operations and is
presented on Blackline Master 4.1. The construction of a weighted data set
and its box-and-whisker chart appears on Blackline Master 4.2.
18 Other Graphical Portrayals of a One-Variable Data Set/STATISTICS USING THE SHARP EL-9600