Blackline Masters/STATISTICS USING THE SHARP EL-9600 67
Copyright © 1998, Sharp Electronics Corporation. Permission is granted to photocopy for educational use only.
Steps for creating a weighted data set's box-and-whisker chart
1. Press STAT to enter the statistics menu. Delete old data and enter the
following data set in L1 using weights in L2:
2. To construct a box-and-whisker chart, first press 2ndF STAT PLOT
ENTER . Press ENTER to turn PLOT1 on. Press ▼ ENTER to choose
one-variable data. Press ▼ 2ndF L1 ENTER to enter L1 as the data
list. Set the frequency prompt to L2 by pressing 2ndF L2 ENTER .
Set the graph to a broken-line graph by pressing 2ndF STAT PLOT ,
touch E BOX, and double touch 1 Box.
3. In the example, the data is discrete with a smallest value of 1 and a largest
value of 4. Set the viewing window to 0 < x < 5 with Xscl = 1. Next, set the
vertical axis to 0 < y < 1 with Yscl = 1.
4. To view the box-and-whisker chart for the data, press GRAPH .
5. Press TRACE followed by and to view the five values making up the
box-and whisker chart.
6. Turn PLOT1 off by pressing 2ndF STAT PLOT ENTER ENTER
2ndF QUIT .
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