58 Blackline Masters/STATISTICS USING THE SHARP EL-9600
Copyright © 1998, Sharp Electronics Corporation. Permission is granted to photocopy for educational use only.
Activity 1 Creating a non-weighted one-variable data set
1. Turn the calculator on and press STAT to enter the statistics menu.
2. Touch A EDIT, press ENTER , to view the statistics data entry screen.
If there is a data set present within the lists on your calculator, use the
arrow keys to move to the list, if necessary, and press ▲ to highlight the
list label.
3. Enter the following data set:
4. Check the data you have entered.
5. Sort the data in an ascending manner by pressing STAT , touch
B OPE, double touch 1 sortA, press 2ndF L1 ) ENTER . Press STAT ,
touch A EDIT, press ENTER .
6. Save this data set within L_DATA 3.
Activity 2 Creating a weighted one-variable data set
1. Enter the STAT menu and delete the old data set.
2. Enter the data values and frequency of occurrence.
Enter the following data set using the frequencies.
3, Check the data you have entered.
4. Save this data set within L_DATA 4.
NAME _____________________________________________________ CLASS __________ DATE __________