Configuring Network Address Translation
To an external Internet user then, it appears as if your Web
server uses your public IP address.
Figure 23. NAT Rule - Add Page (RDR Flavor)
Follow the following instructions to add an RDR rule (see steps
1-4 under The NAPT Rule for specific instructions corresponding
to steps 1 and 2 below):
1. Display the [NAT Rule – Add] Page, select [RDR] as the
[Rule Flavor], if necessary, and enter a [Rule ID].
2. Select the interface on which this rule will be effective.
3. Select a [Protocol] to which this rule applies, or choose [ANY].
This selection specifies which type of Internet communication
will be subject to this translation rule. You can select [ANY] if
the rule applies to all data. Or, select [TCP], [UDP], [ICMP], or
a number from [1-255] that represents the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA)-specified protocol number.