Administration and status information
Gigaset SE366 WLAN / englisch / A31008-M1063-R101-4x-7619 / admin_router.fm / 13.11.2008
Schablone 2004_12_27
Administration and status information
The Gigaset SE366 WLAN user interface includes several helpful functions for
administration. You can
u open an Internet connection manually (see below),
u select regional options (see page 78),
u change the system password (see page 79),
u set up remote administration (see page 80),
u save, and if necessary restore, configuration data (see page 82),
u reset the Gigaset SE366 WLAN to the factory settings (see page 83),
u reboot the device (see page 83),
u update the firmware (see page 84),
u make the settings for the system protocol (see page 85),
u activate or deactivate the registration button (see page 86),
u view information about the configuration and status of the Gigaset SE366 WLAN
(see page 87).
Connecting to the Internet manually
You can set up a manual connection to the Internet.
To open or close an Internet connection manually:
ì Open the Gigaset SE366 WLAN start screen as described on page 26.
If you have already started the configuration environment, click the Home tab at the
top left of the window.
If you have not yet started the configuration environment, start it now and log in.
ì Click Connect to open a connection to the Internet.