Coding for IBM-PC with color adaptor:
20 GOSUB 100
100 O=INP(&H379)
:IF 0<128 THEN 100
110 OUT &H378,1 :OUT &H37A,5 :OUT &H37A,4
Several additional functions can be obtained by pressing the control
panel switches in combinations.
Reverse micro-feed
Clearing the buffer
Figure 2-5. Switch combination functions of control panel
Paper parking: Quiet Mode and Paper Feed switches
This procedure feeds the paper backward. It parks the fanfold form
at the back of the printer so that you can switch to single-sheet feeding (by
moving the release lever to the down position).
Before parking fanfold forms, tear off all but the last page, leaving less
(at least three inches less) than a full page showing above the top cover.
1. Press the On Line switch to set the printer off-line.
2. Press the Quiet Mode switch and hold it down.
3. Press the Paper Feed switch. The paper will be fed out backward.