MLLP V2 and the Sample Projects
Minimal Lower Layer Protocol Release 2 (MLLP V2.0) is a message transport protocol, and is
required for all message transport protocols used to transport HL7 Version 3 content. This
protocol wraps the HL7 message to indicate the beginning and end of each message.
The following topics provide instruction on how to set up the MLLP database, and describe
MLLP V2.0 and the MLLP V2.0 sample Project provided with the TCP/IP HL7 Adapter:
“Creating and Conguring the MLLP V2.0 Database” on page 140
“MLLP V2 Content Exchange Model” on page 144
“Standard Inbound HL7 V2 Collaboration Overview over MLLPV2” on page 146
Creating and Conguring the MLLPV2.0 Database
Using the HL7 Adapter with MLLP V2.0 transport scenarios requires an MLLP database. This
topic describes the steps to connect to Sun's Java Database (based on the Apache Derby
database) and run the MLLP V2.0 database scripts.
The TCP/IP HL7 Adapter supports the following database platforms for the MLLP database:
Java DB (Derby)
Microsoft SQL Server
Perform the following steps in the order given to set up the MLLP database:
“To Create and Connect to the Database” on page 140
“To Run the MLLP V2.0 Database Scripts” on page 142
“To Create the Connection Pool and JDBC Resource” on page 144
“Associating the MLLP Database With the Adapter” on page 144
To Create and Connect to the Database
Createa database instance usingyour database platform tools. If you are using aJava DB
database,perform the followingsteps to create thedatabase:
a. On the NetBeansServices window, expand Databases.
b. Right-click Java DB,and then click Create Database.
The Create Java DB Database dialog box appears.
c. Enter a namefor the database, along witha login user name and password.
MLLPV2andthe SampleProjects
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October2009140