TABLE 6 Connectivity Map -TCPIP Inbound Settings -Inbound Connection Management
Name Description
Max Connection Pool
The maximum numberof concurrent connections allowed for thespecic
listener or monitorthat is listening or monitoring thespecied TCP/IP port. 0
(zero) indicates thatthere is no limit.
This value indicatesthe capability or availability of thisserver’s services. Each
connection request froma client gains one concurrent connection.This value
also indicates themaximum number of clients that canconcurrently connect to
this server’s servicesand can be served by thespecic listener or monitor at the
same time.
Scope OfConnection The scope ofthe accepted connection that is usedby the adapter. Select one ofthe
following options:
Resource Adapter Level – The resourceadapter closes the connection upon
request (by wayof ClosureCommandMessage) so the connection may “keep
alive” during multipleexecutions of the Collaboration.
Collaboration Level – The resourceadapter closes the connection oncethe
Collaboration has been executed sothe connection has the same lifecycle as
the Collaboration.
Close Notication A String indicating the triggervalue that noties the server toclose the
connection. When theserver receives a notication with contentthat matches
this parameter’s value,the server safely closes the connectionand cancels any
corresponding schedules.
The default valueis QUIT.
IdleTimeout The length oftime (in milliseconds) for inactivity ofthe requestor (client). The
adapter attempts todetect in/out activity from the client.If there is noclient
activity for aspecied time period, then the connectionis closed from the server
side to releasethe resource. To disable idle timeoutchecking, specify 0 (zero) for
this parameter.
TCPIP Inbound Schedules - Listener Schedule —
TCP/IP HL7 V2 Inbound Adapter
The following table lists and describes the properties that appear on the Listener Schedule page
of the Properties Editor accessed from the Connectivity Map. These properties congure the
scheduler used by the inbound TCP/IP server. The server waits for a new client connection
establishment request. These parameters are used to congure the listener.
Two Java EE schedulers are available, both of which provide the functionality required by the
inbound TCP/IP Server.
TCP/IPHL7V2AdapterInboundConnectivity MapProperties
SunAdapterforTCP/IPHL7User's Guide • October200936